Astana, Hyundai County Super # 330 CN 01
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Astana, MAZ-103.465 # B084 Astana, MAZ-103.465 # B066 Astana, Mercedes-Benz O405 # 885 PXA 01 Astana, MAN R07 Lion's Coach RHC444 # 658 YA 01 Astana, Hyundai Universe Space Luxury # 765 YA 01 Astana, MAZ-103.465 # B108 Astana, MAN 888 SÜ242 # 196 CN 01 Astana, Van Hool T815 Alicron # 717 TSA 01 Astana, MAZ-103.465 # 051 CJA 01 Astana — Bus depot
Astana, ТОО "Автобусный парк № 2", новая территория
Friday, July 16, 2021 Author: Нурсултан
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Astana, MAZ-103.465 # B084 Astana, MAZ-103.465 # B066 Astana, MAN R07 Lion's Coach RHC444 # 658 YA 01 Astana, Hyundai Universe Space Luxury # 765 YA 01 Astana, MAN 888 SÜ242 # 196 CN 01 Astana, Van Hool T815 Alicron # 717 TSA 01
Astana, ТОО "Автобусный парк № 2", новая территория
Friday, July 16, 2021 Author: Нурсултан
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↑ January 2014 — December 2020 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ May 2012 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ December 2007 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ November 2005 Arrived at the facility
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