FotobusBus Transport

Sverdlovsk region, LiAZ-677M # 762

  Sverdlovsk regionAvtobusnoye predpriyatiye №2762АУ 256 6607.200401.2005
0740 СВП01.198707.2004

  January 2005    Withdrawn

  July 2004    Change of state number (within the company)

  January 1987    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
762 АС 558 66 Ikarus 260.01 PAO Uralasbest
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762 5803 СВТ Ikarus 260.01 PAO Uralasbest
762 0661 СВР LiAZ-677M OOO UK NT POPAT (Nizhniy Tagil) 142488 1985
762 5803 СВТ Ikarus 260.37 PAO Uralasbest 1593 1989
762 АК 256 66 LAZ-695N MUP PATP PGO (Polevskoy) 175945 2000
762 О 587 АС 66 LAZ-695N MUP PATP PGO (Polevskoy) 175945 2000
1661 АУ 256 66 LiAZ-677MB AP-6 (Yekaterinburg) 162362 1987