FotobusBus Transport

Leningrad region, LiAZ-5256.30 # 7132

  Leningrad regionNTA, branch in Gatchina ("West-Service", "Trans-Balt")7132АН 760 7807.200811.2010
"Piteravto" (LCC) - branch in Priozersk01.20082008
  Saint Petersburg"West-Service", LLC; "Piteravto", LLC05.200701.2008
"West-Service", LLC (adsorbed by Piteravto)13203.200605.2007
  Yaroslavl regionAO "Yaroslavskaya transportnaya kompaniya"56А 742 НН 7601.200503.2006

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  November 2010    Withdrawn

  2008 — July 2008    Renumbered (within the company)

  January 2008    Renumbered (within the company)

  May 2007    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

220 KB

Saint Petersburg, Колпино, автобусная станция "Ленинградская улица"
Route 438з Санкт-Петербург — Никольское

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Author: Александр Стаканов

247 KB

Saint Petersburg, Колпино, Ленинградская улица
Route 438з Санкт-Петербург — Никольское

Monday, May 28, 2007
Author: NP


  March 2006    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 2005    Arrived at the facility

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132 0445 ЛЕР Ikarus 256.54 Autobase Tourist
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56 ВЕ 087 76 Ikarus 280.64 RybPATP-1 1181 1990 КВР Вологда.
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56 9024 ЯРО Ikarus 280.64 RybPATP-1 1181 1990
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7132 В 590 ЕК 78 Ikarus 280.33O AP № 7 225 1997
56 ВЕ 953 76 LiAZ-5256.30 YaTK 9150 2002
132 АА 232 78 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Balticstar 321566 2003
132 АА 093 78 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Marshrutnoe Taxi 409800 2005 Транзит УР 5433 78
7132 ВЕ 698 78 Yutong ZK6737D Passagirtranskom 1000344 2008
7132 Х 727 ОЕ 178 NefAZ-5299-30-32 AP № 7 117 2010
132 В 483 АХ 178 KAvZ-4235-33 ATP-31 1429 2010 ОАО "АТП-31", Сабировская
132 В 553 СА 47 PAZ-320402-03 Bars-2 493 2010
132 В 328 ВО 178 Nizhegorodets-2227UU (IVECO Daily) SNW 398 2010
56 О 938 АН 76 LiAZ-5292.20 YaTK 418 2010
7132 ВВ 171 78 NefAZ-5299-30-32 AP № 7 117 2010
132 В 104 СН 47 Heke JAC HK6120 LOPAT 103270 2011 На маршруте 682
56 Н 810 ТН 76 LiAZ-5256.53 YaTK 24450 2012
56 Н 203 ХН 76 LiAZ-5256.61 G-Yam.f-l YarATP 24978 2014
56 М 369 АХ 797 PAZ-320412-04 "Vector" AVTOMIG (Yaroslavl) 2299 2017
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