FotobusBus Transport

North Rhine-Westphalia, Mercedes-Benz O530G Citaro G # GT-SV 127

  North Rhine-WestphaliaWittler Bustouristik GmbH GT-SV 1272019 
  BavariaOmnibus- und Kfz-Handel Mario Röttgen GmbH6681 05.20192019
  Baden-WürttembergSWU Verkehr GmbH111UL-A 511112.200405.2019

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  2019    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  May 2019    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

417 KB

Baden-Württemberg, Ulm, Olgastraße
Route 3 (Ehinger Tor)

Thursday, July 4, 2013
Author: straightcelle


  December 2004    Arrived at the facility

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