FotobusBus Transport

Bryansk region, GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) # М 681 МР 32

  Bryansk regionIP Efimov D. M.М 681 МР 322013 
IP Machehin A.N.К 424 РО 3220102013
  Oryol regionOther route buses of OryolНН 027 5709.200802.2010

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320 KB

Bryansk region, Брянск, Литейная улица / улица Ульянова
Route 52

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Author: max15


  2013    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

234 KB

Bryansk region, Брянск, улица 3 Интернационала
Route 62

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Author: Денис Рогов


  February 2010 — 2010    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

243 KB

Oryol region, Орёл, Тургеневский мост
Route 456

Monday, April 6, 2009
Author: Сергеев Сергей (Орёл)


  September 2008    Arrived at the facility

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