FotobusBus Transport

Vehicles without photos

Cuba, Other buses of province Isla de Juventud

This page shows which vehicles had no photos for a long time, and which ones were photoed recently.

Sort by:  last photo's date  ·  vehicle no.  ·  license plate no.

Passenger vehicles

Years#PlateModelFacilityRemarksLast PhotoTotal Photos
? Den Oudsten 0
B 014 498 Girón V . 0
B 014 615 Girón VI . 0
B 015 143 Girón V . 0
B 079 300 Girón Diana Transporte Escolar. 0
B 079 301 Girón Diana Transporte Escolar. 0
B 079 303 Girón Diana Transporte Escolar. 0
B 079 376 Girón VI . 0
B 079 389 Girón Diana . 0
B 079 397 Girón Diana Transporte Escolar. 0