FotobusBus Transport

Finland, Lahti Eagle # TJY-399

  FinlandUusimaa, others TJY-39909.2021 PowerTruck Punger AutoServices Oy (Vantaa)
Oy Pohjolan Liikenne Ab13505.200709.2021 

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590 KB

Finland, Helsinki, Katajanokan terminaali

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Author: Eurobus

  September 2021    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

343 KB

Finland, Helsinki, Mannerheimintie
Route Turku — Helsinki

Monday, September 14, 2015
Author: Star2007

343 KB

Finland, Porvoo, Rauhankatu
Route Porvoo — Loviisa — Karhula — Kotka

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Author: Роговиков Николай

161 KB

Finland, Tampere, Ratinan stadion

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Author: Ozzy


  May 2007    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
135 KLN-1 Lahti 3 Kuopion 642 1967
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135 TVX-135 Delta City S TuKL 146784 1984
135 USU-235 Wiima K202 Vantaan Liikenne 6126 12.1984
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135 HFA-825 Delta Star 501 Satakunnan 147903 1991
135 HFA-825 Delta Star 501 Lauttakylän 147903 1991
135 YAR-435 Lahti 451 Eagle Pohjolan Matka 550-94 1994
135 YFR-695 Aabenraa Muurinen 2407 1995
135 SGK-735 Carrus K204 City STA 7959 11.1995
135 KIJ-774 Säffle System 2000 Savonlinja 8703 / 2724 1997
135 XMP-736 Carrus Vega L Vainion Liikenne 2256 1999
135 EZE-848 Ikarus EAG E94.07 HelB 84 2001 Ex. Suomen Turistiauto (STA): vehicle number 297
135 TVF-411 Lahti Scala Paunu 723-03 2003
135 GLM-115 Säffle 8500LE Länsilinjat S070147 2007
135 CNP-403 Volvo 8700LE TKL P090907 2009
135 LLL-935 Kabus TC-4A4/6450 Koskilinjat 4203 2010
135 KRS-587 Lahti Scala Muurinen 554-12 2012
135 FPC-435 Mercedes-Benz Integro II L Korsisaari 103916 2014
135 ZLO-171 Volvo 9700H UG Satakunnan 1598-1 2017
135 ZNE-780 Scania Citywide LE Suburban OTP 423120 881 2020
135 ZMV-241 VDL Citea LLE-120.255 Muurinen 2020