Almaty, Neoplan N416SL # B 254 LHN
  Almaty Neoplan N416SL # B 254 LHN  —  route 19
Almaty, Улица Гоголя

Author: A. N. · Almaty           Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009


Published 16.02.2009 22:46 MSK
Views — 693

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Comments · 4

17.02.2009 08:15 MSK
A. N. · Almaty
Photos: 958
Бывший павлодарский S434KZM, поставьте сюда маркер о смене номера и переезде.
17.02.2009 09:57 MSK
Антон-1991 · Almaty
Photos: 965
Когда только прибыл в Алмату выглядел пободрее:).
17.02.2009 13:20 MSK
Photos: 2910
Lot of times when I see pictures of buses from Almaty, there are Hummer cars/trucks on the pictures. The Kasakh people must be rich people ;-)
17.02.2009 19:30 MSK
A. N. · Almaty
Photos: 958
The truth is, some people here are just too eager to show off and cannot imagine their life without an expensive fancy car. :( Such people would rather die than ride a public bus or walk the distance instead of using a car. That's the sad reality.

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