FotobusBus Transport

Lower Saxony, Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 NGT # 169

  Lower SaxonyVerkehr und Wasser GmbH169OL-ER 12510.2016

  October 2016    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
169 CE-DP 569 Göppel (MAN 187 890SG) Lembke & Koschick 5 1970
169 H-FE 19 MAN A23 Lion's City G NG313 Enders 2311 2006
169 H-FE 169 MAN A23 Lion's City G NG313 Enders 2311 2006
169 WOB-VG 69 Mercedes-Benz O530LE Citaro facelift LE WVG 122073 2011