FotobusBus Transport

Baden-Württemberg, MAN 793 SG242 # KA-HT 242

  Baden-WürttembergHagro-Transbus-Reisen GmbH ✝ KA-HT 2422009 
  Lower SaxonyDAU BUS GmbH H-DA 102120022009
  North Rhine-WestphaliaVerkehrsgesellschaft Kreis Unna mbH91-65UN-VK 25010.19912002

  2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2002    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  October 1991    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
H-DA 1021 MAN A20 NÜ263 DAU 1998
H-DA 1021 Solaris Urbino III 10 DAU 1585 2006 Operating for regiobus Hannover | Stadtbus Barsinghausen